The creators of the series The Sims A wonderful tradition has developed – autoplagiat in the format “God loves the Trinity”. At first they released the original The Sims and stuffed it with addons. Then the Sims 2 came out and – attention! – All the same additions, only on a new basis and with the number “2” in the title. Now the queue has come The Sims 3. And at first it even seemed that in Electronic Arts finally decided to get off the beaten path and bring something fundamentally new to the gaming process. At least the World Adventures and Ambitions suggested us to such an idea. But with the exit Pets It became clear – in the world there are things that will never change.

The third time in the pets class

No, we will not spite the right. IN The Sims 3: Pets There is a fundamental difference from previous programs from the cycle “in the world of simulator animals”. More precisely, even two.

Firstly, now our smaller brothers have received almost the same extensive handling as virtual people. We can tell them what to do – run, eat, sniff the owner’s hand, fight with another beast. In general, the real expanse for players who feel like dogs or cats deep down.

Secondly, we were finally given the opportunity to ride on horseback and the corresponding pet-a horse. Or a horse – this is how much you like.

Otherwise, the life of the fauna differs little from what was in The Sims 2: Pets. As before, every tummy has its own unique character, composed of a set of qualities according to the same principle by which the characters of the human population are built. If your kitty is a “paw”, then he will go to the owner, behave cute and quickly make friends. “Zlyuka”, on the contrary, prefers to rush to everyone and lift up other pets. The torpedo cannot sit still – it is constantly worn;And the “pig”, sorry, pisses in the middle of the room.

The needs of fluffy and naval individuals also did not undergo any significant reorganization compared to the Pets of the second “spill”. So, interface details changed slightly. Each species has its own unique need, which, right, is better to satisfy on time if you do not want to constantly buy new furniture. The exception is only horses that need quite peaceful and harmless “physical education”. But dogs cannot live on if something does not grit. Moreover, while the dog will slobber the legs of the chair, the cat will not pretend to scratch the upholstery of the sofa. Save the position can be saved toys and special claws. Otherwise, pets will constantly spoil the situation of your “human” ward. And scolding them for this is pointless – instinct.

Like people, representatives of the local zoo suffer from mood swings associated with unsatisfied needs and generally a lack of happiness in life. Moreover, they also have desires that would be nice to fulfill, receiving points for this. Having scored a certain number of points, we can purchase some “bun” for a four-legged friend, for example, an increased chance of winning in horse races. Or eternal treat. In general, everything is like the highest primates.

Fundamentals of education

By the way, among interactions with animals there are different methods of education. You can act with a whip – scold for bad behavior, or can be awarded with a gingerbread. Simply put, praise when the pet is sweet and obedient. In the long run, all this can even lead to a change in the character of the animal.

Pets from The Sims 3: Pets They can envy the “predecessors” from the addon to The Sims 2. In the previous version, tailed creatures could make a real career. So, a simple dog could become a lifeguard, and the dog advanced – a movie star. In the new issue, the developers decided to refuse it.

In addition, pets can benefit the household. Our ease of the ward is quite capable of teaching a dog and a cat to hunt, and a horse is quickly jumping and overcoming obstacles. Horse sport, by the way, is developed in the local world pretty good-traditional running, competition, and cross-country. It is a pity that a very one -sided schedule turns a visit to the hippodrome into a difficult goal – you can participate in the competition only once a day, strictly at 17:00 in the “simdess” time. In order for the option to “take part” active, we must first put the character on a horse.

How much more convenient Nightlife was implemented in the collection of the music group! No, we understand that the horse is not a person, he himself will not be able to get to the venue. But on the other hand, why so hard to tie an event to a certain time?

If you do not send this girl to eat and sleep in time, she will die of hunger and fatigue, scattering hay. Probably, in childhood she was not allowed to agricultural work – and here is the result. Psychological trauma!

We also do not show us dynamics. The developers are ready to “pamper” us with a laconic sign, which indicates which place took the tandem of a person and a horse in a tournament rating. For the win, in addition to the honorary cup, they give money, but this does not compensate for the lost – once again! – The opportunity to enter into the world The Sims A little spectacles.

Why are cats not born

The mobility of characters does not guarantee us physical mobility when it comes to animals. Their artificial intelligence has been developed much worse than quite good AI Simo sapiens. Even on the simplest instincts, all this nightmare does not pull. The horse, stagnant in the stall so much that the indicator of his mood has already managed to turn red, can stupidly and sadly

stomp in the spot until we do not invite him to run away with his own hands.

The kitten is not able to overcome even an ordinary interior door. No, kittens, of course, are small and helpless, but only newborn can be so helpless! While we are already delivered from the shelter by completely independent cat cubs. In any case, they are rushed within the framework of a given room so that only the heels sparkle.

Speaking of a shelter. There are several ways to get an animal – to choose a homeless (and purebred) creation from a city nursery, take from the neighbors who recently started young animals, or purchase on a horse farm if we are talking about a horse. Another option is to create a beast yourself through the editor of the characters and settle together with the human “Sim”. Setting up all the parameters of the animal – appearance, character, preferences. You can still try to “appropriate” to yourself a “nobody” animal, and here we are talking not only about the fun trinity of the dog-koshka-kon. Snakes, turtles, hamsters and other small animals are also amenable to “adoption”.

Yes, you, of course, are not surprising that all the pets automatically receive the name of the owner? This is fine. Another thing is surprising-for some reason, kittens are still not born in people. It seems to us that this method of interaction with the animal world would fit perfectly into the discourse EA.

Hello, Appaluzer

The developers again introduced a new city into the game. This time we are talking about Appaluz Playins, pets for pets. A small provincial settlement with a distinct smell of American country-style is what it is. Here, establishments like a dog park, a cat garden, an equestrian ranch and a hippodrome are already placed here in advance. In other cities, special “animals” locations we have to build.

As usual, the greatest pleasure from playing inThe Sims 3: Pets can be obtained in the “fresh” town. Families with pets originally live here, which means that there will be something to talk about with neighbors. And the animals will have someone to play and build relationships with. It is like: today is a relationship, tomorrow is a new brood of young animals. In addition, wild horses, deer and raccoons, which are found in the Appalus in abundance, will probably interest the hunting for the novelties of the player. Maybe even lucky with a unicorn – and such creatures are found in our area.

All animals are equipped with a complete material “dowry”. In the store you can find several collections of objects for pets, from the simplest bowl to feed to a hefty cat garden, designed to appease and entertain the bored murks and fur.

Third edition Pets In many ways it repeats the second. No, there is still one qualitative leap among the innovations-direct handling on the road does not lie. But to the level of full, beautiful and substantial additions, this expanded DLC variety does not reach. Previous addons to The Sims 3 brought more new.

Pros: controllability of animals;A branched system of characters, rewards, desires.
Cons: slow AI;faded and inconveniently realized jumps;The lack of new content.

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